The Gentle(ish) Art of Gelli Printing by Hilary Beattie

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The Gentle(ish) Art of Gelli Printing by Hilary Beattie

Jamie shares book that got her involved with Gelli-printing and she thinks you will love it too.


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Jamie Malden of Colouricious loves to play with block prints and has discovered that Gelli plates can add a new dimension. Do you want to know how? Well she feels that Hilary Beattie really shows you how in her book they met when Hilary was busy rummaging in the hedgerows for leaves.

And who knew that a potato masher or bubblewrap could be so useful? There are various chapters in the book but the one of  stencils and masks was of particular interest to Jamie as she felt that lent itself to her own use of stencils with block printing.

The book encourages you and your friends/family to take time to play with everyday objects, a gelli plate and some paint.

If you want to purchase some gelli plates then just go to the Colouricious website, click here. There you will also find fabric paints, printing blocks, stencils.

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