Framed Landscapes with Linda Seward

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Framed Landscapes with Linda Seward

Linda shows how you can create lovely landscapes with the help of sea shells and computer printer.


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Like many of us, Linda loves to take pictures on holiday or out walking her dog. In this little interview she shares how she turns these pictures into lovely framed landscapes to adorn her walls.

She does need the help of her regular inkjet computer printer, freezer paper and some other stuff. She can also change the colours using the printer. So you could think about changing one picture into the 4 seasons perhaps.

You can then enhance the landscape or picture further. You could achieve this with the help of stitching, beads or other appropriate 3D embellishing items.

All of this is explained in more detail in her book “The Ultimate Guide to Art Quilting”, which contains over 1000 step-by-step instructions and illustrations for surface design, patchwork, applique, quilting, embellishing and finishing – so all you ever needed to know about textile and art quilting!

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